Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Family Firm

We must work the works of Him who sent me and be busy with His business while it is daylight; night is coming on, when no man can work. 
 John 9:4 AMP
For months,  Ken and I had been looking forward to traveling back to the States to see family.  When I thought about reuniting with my loved ones, I would either giggle in anticipation or tear up with thanksgiving.  My emotions were on a rollercoaster, and my dear husband graciously endured the ride.

Finally, the day arrived to make our long safari to the airport.  Ken and I locked up our cottage, piled our bags into the vehicle, and said our goodbyes to all of our colleagues on the compound.
Before reaching America, Ken and I had the privilege of attending the High Council in London, where we participated in the election of the 20th General of The Salvation Army.  High Council members from around the world first met for two days to discuss the issues we face in our work to win the world for Christ.  Then, after listening closely to the words of each candidate and engaging in much prayer and meditation, we cast ballots for our new international leader.  For me, the High Council will always be a spiritual experience during which I reflect upon my own calling, and having witnessed the way in which the Lord moved during this High Council, I know without a doubt that God will bless our new General in the days to come. 
Praying for the Lord's guidance at the High Council.

After the High Council, we jumped on a plane to participate in the USA Southern Territory Bible Conference in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina, and it was there that we were reunited with Ken's family and with all of our friends in the South.  It was simply wonderful.  On top of everything else, we had the opportunity to enjoy such delicacies such as Krispy Kreme donuts, Starbucks lattes, Dairy Queen blizzards and dark chocolate Snickers.  God bless America.

One week later, we jumped on another plane and travelled to Seaside, Oregon in order to meet up with twenty-two members from my side of the family for a celebration of my father's 80th birthday.  Anyone familiar with the Lloyd clan will correctly surmise that we had a wild time with lots of laughter . . . which predictably turned to tears when the time came to say goodbye. 

I will admit that, in the course of our three-day return to Kenya, tears came to my eyes with some frequency.  But I eventually came to the conclusion that they were not just tears of sadness, but also of joy.  I realized that I was just leaving one part of the family in order to reunite with another, and that this wonderful thing called "family" was another gift from God in my life.

Another namesake, the newest baby Jolene, in Shigomere Division
The German poet, Johann Schiller, once wrote:

"It is not flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us fathers and sons."
There's a lot of truth in that.  Biology is one thing, but ultimately it's the power of Christ's blood in our hearts that makes us family in an eternal sense.  Whoever we are and whatever we're doing, we are brothers and sisters in Him, joint heirs to His promises.  So as a Salvation Army officer, I am truly a daughter working in the family business.  And what a wonderful business it is.


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Glad you made it back safely with the mess at "your" airport.

  2. Thanks Betsy. Sorry I was not able to see you this time. Blessings!
