Friday, December 28, 2012

Silent Night, Holy Night

"Peace.  It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.  It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.”  Unknown

A few days before Christmas, we received news from Kenya that while our work permits were approved, the immigration office had not yet released the official documents.  Since all governmental offices would close until January 7, we had to begin making arrangements to delay the arrival of our few worldly possessions and postpone our 3 flights and road transportation.  There were a million little details that had to be changed or cancelled. Overwhelmed and a bit emotional, I turned to the Scriptures.

While reading the Christmas story, God showed me that Mary too must have been overwhelmed and emotional.  Troubled thoughts must have filled her mind and heart as she looked to her uncertain future and the challenges that lay before her.  Yet because she trusted the God she loved, she found peace.

 Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act.
Psalm 37:7
I was reminded that the awesome, overwhelming peace of God is not for Mary alone.  It is for me.  He promises “the peace of God which passes all understanding.”  That is the gift I claimed this Christmas.
Not only did the Lord still my heart, but on Christmas Eve, we received a Christmas miracle.  Although we had been told that all government offices were closed for the holidays, scanned copies of our permits were sent to us.
We serve an amazing God!  And yes, His peace does pass all understanding.