Thursday, February 14, 2013

Grow Old with Me, the Best Is Yet to Be!

Three things will last forever - faith, hope and love-
and the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:12-13
What's a man to do for his wife on Valentine's Day in Kakamega?  When I mentioned to Ken last week that February 14th was just around the corner, his only response was a look of suppressed panic.  After all, there's no "fine dining" available in town.  In fact, the best restaurant food I've enjoyed thus far was a small pizza-like creation that featured the local version of ketchup.   And as for atmosphere, candlelight dinners are part of our regular routine.  There are no jewellery stores, no candy stores, and no gift shops.  But ever since my darling husband forgot one Valentine's Day about 25 years ago (Yes, I have a long memory!), he's always done something special.  So, I ask again, what's a man to do?

Ken waiting for me outside our home corps, Kakamega Central.

Actually, I've resolved to be particularly understanding this year.  After all,  he's been so attentive recently.  Last Friday, for example, he called from the office to say that he was coming home a little early to help with chores.  Our home is only about ten minutes away, but he didn't arrive for three-quarters of an hour.  Even before he stepped through the door, the explanation began.  After leaving the office compound, he was pulled over by a man who wanted a brief chat with the TC.  Then, after bidding the man farewell, Ken found himself in a small traffic jam, caused by a crowd that was watching a pig wallow in the mud by the side of the road.  Then, to top it all off, when he pulled up to our compound gate, he had to wait for the guard to move two very stubborn cows out of the way.  Now how could I be upset after hearing that?
My husband shows his love for me every day in a million little ways.  He prepares the bed every night, turns on the fan, and pulls the mosquito net into place to make sure that I am comfortable and tucked in.  When he sees me struggling with the water pump, he just chuckles and takes over.  He has eaten countless bean concoctions without complaint, and even though I know he doesn't like them, he has smiled broadly whenever I've served him peanut butter sandwiches because it's too hot to cook or I failed to find meat to purchase.   I also know that he prays for us.  When we arrived home last night, expecting another night without electricity, he ceremoniously turned off the engine and began to pray for electricity, singing, "Bless us now, Bless us now, Heavenly Father, Bless us now!"  It made me smile.  And guess what?  We went in the house, and we had electricity . . . for a while, anyway.

Whatever Ken does or doesn't do today, I would still follow him to the ends of the earth.  In fact, I really can't think of anything I would rather do than serve God with my partner in ministry, wherever that might take us.  It's one of the greatest blessings that God has ever given me, and I just pray that there will be many more days of service together.


  1. We are blssed women Jolene :)I love you and Ken. Hugs for Valentines month. Bev x

  2. I realize that this is an old blog post but wanted to let you know that it reading it was a blessing.

    Patti Hunter Williams

  3. Thank you Patti. May the Lord continue to bless you.


  4. Very insightful, Life in Africa can be tough, I have always wondered if u two expected any of this when being commissioned many years ago.
