Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Far, Far Better Thing

They left everything and followed him.  Luke 5:11b

It has been over a week now since we returned from the States.   All critters, dead and alive, have been ushered out of our cottage, and every surface has been thoroughly disinfected.  Our food has been carefully checked for signs of life, and an inventory has been taken of that which survived.  The pantry has been restocked and is once again bursting with beans. We have stored our empty suitcases, and all the gifts from home have been put in the "perfect" place.  Most important, I have hidden the dark chocolate from Ken and announced a rationing plan that will make it last! 

I thank the Lord for every moment we spent with family and friends during our visit. When our daughter first returned to America, I remember that she threw her arms around the greeter at Walmart.  I was really no better, particularly when I jumped over the counter at Burger King and hugged the rather startled staff.  I'm sure they're still wondering about that crazy lady who ordered a whopper. Sorry folks.  I just can't help myself, but I hope I have made some new friends.  

During our visit, this Kenyan doll from Disney World was anonymously delivered to us.
 And you guessed it.  It sings "It's a Small World" in Swahili.

While in the States, we splurged on Krispy Kreme donuts, kettle corn, Dairy Queen blizzards and See's candy. Snickers bars, M&M's, and peanut clusters were a daily indulgence.  Grapes, berries, and fresh greens were eaten in abundance, and we couldn't get enough of that magnificent water -- from the tap even!

Ken luxuriated in air conditioning (glad I brought my flannel pj's), and he constantly praised the smooth roads and working street lamps.  I will also admit that, from time to time, things got a little ridiculous. I fought back tears as I strolled down the aisles at Target, and I choked up the first time I used a washer and dryer.  Oh boy.

One day, we visited the Florida Strawberry Festival.  If there was ever a celebration of Americana, that was it.  We had arrived early to beat the crowd, and I'll never forget the moment the fair officially opened.  A man sang the National Anthem over the sound system, and no matter where they were, everyone stopped dead in their tracks.  Hats were removed.  Hands were placed over hearts. Conversation ceased, and except for few brave souls that tried to sing along, it was perfectly quiet.   Tears streamed down my face.   O God, I thought.  Please bless America.  

The Strawberry Festival pig races made me feel like I was home in Kakamega!

Now we're back in Kenya, doing what we've been called to do among people we love. It's certainly not the first time I have had to leave friends and family behind, and I am sure it will not be the last.   It never gets any easier to say goodbye.  In fact, as our loved ones get older, it becomes that much harder. But I do believe CS Lewis when he says:

There are far, far better things ahead then any we leave behind.

God has proven the truth of that statement in my own life over and over again.   I have learned that my own dreams and desires inevitably fall short of the life He has planned for me.  So where He leads me, I will follow.  After all, He has brought me to this wonderful part of the world called Kenya.  Once again, His plan has surpassed my wildest dreams.


  1. I love your heart and your sacrificial spirit!!!
    By the way I missed Target when I lived in London and was so happy to see it when I came back... It's a special place haha!
    Praying for your ministry in this new season

    1. Target is a bit of heaven on earth!

      Thanks for your prayers. We count on them every day. May the Lord richly less you and your family as well.

      In Christ,

  2. I love reading your blog. I am planning to buy your book with my next amazon gift card. =) Glad you were able to travel home to visit and return safely.

    PS I am loving getting to know your brother and his lovely wife!

    1. It is ALWAYS great to hear from you Betsy. Give my brother and sister in love a big hug for me!

