Thursday, March 26, 2015

Heaven's Gain

For to me, living means opportunities for Christ, and dying—well, that’s better yet!
Philippians 1:21 

The long rains have finally arrived.  Bushes that I thought had died are turning green. The dust that seemed to cover everything has been washed away, and even the dirt itself has come to life with worms and other insects. Farmers are breathing a sigh of relief, and families are celebrating God's provision in newly-filled water tanks, wells, and ponds.  Our THQ family is even celebrating the safe arrival of two perfect little babies.  This Territorial Mama could not be more pleased and more proud.

Madzuu Salvationists Carrying Water

But although we are rejoicing in new life, death is always nearby.  Last week, one of our corps treasurers was murdered.  The young son of an officer couple went to bed and never woke up.  On Sunday, a home league secretary was killed in an accident outside the corps compound after worship.  Five members of one Army family was hospitalized after eating poisoned rice, and while most recovered, one young boy did not.

A Typical Coffin Made in Kenya

I never did like that well-known quote:

Our Loss is Heaven's Gain. 

But for me, that phrase has taken on new meaning.  While we spend a great deal of our time using health charts, teaching disease prevention, and partnering with medical professionals, we are not here to be doctors. We are not here as police or security. We're here for heavenly purposes.

So I suppose it's true.  If we take every opportunity to point others to Christ and to the salvation He offers, our loss will always be Heaven's gain.  And when we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be.


  1. I can't imagine losing so many so closely together. :( My prayers are with you guys over there!

    1. Thank you Betsy for your prayers! We count on them every day.

