Tuesday, March 5, 2013

God's Gracious Gift

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.
Desmond Tutu

The Chief of the Staff and the World President of Women's Ministries, Commissioners Andre and Silvia Cox, arrived last Friday morning at the little airport in Kisumu.  Their arrival had been delayed because the air traffic controller became ill, but once the plane did touch down, Ken and I welcomed the Commissioners warmly on the tarmac.  After a few minutes with the Territorial cabinet in the VIP lounge, our leaders exited the terminal to the cheers of hundreds of uniformed Salvationists.  Following a short greeting and two excellent musical presentations, we were then whisked away in a caravan of cars escorted by police.  Thirty minutes into our journey to Kakamega, we had to pull over as another large delegation of Salvationists had assembled to greet us.

On Saturday, 750 Salvation Army officers crowded into Kakamega Central Corps to hear our guests speak.  Despite the sweltering heat, they were not disappointed.  It was a simply wonderful meeting, which ended with a large number at the altar.  Commissioners Cox, Ken and I then danced out of the hall to the delight of the assembly.  Who knew that four old "mazungu" could dance?

But the highlight of the weekend was the Installation and Welcome of Cadets at Bukhungu Stadium on Sunday.  Despite the anticipated tension of Monday's election, almost 15,000 Salvationists came to Kakamega and marched into the stadium as Commissioners Cox and Lt. Colonels Wolayo (our Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary of Women's Ministries) joined Ken and me to take the salute. 

It was a day of real celebration and great spiritual significance.  I will never forget the moment that the Chief of the Staff presented Ken and me to the congregation after the installation ceremony.  Instantly, a group of women placed a shawl on my shoulders, and the men placed an African cane in Ken's hand.  With shouts of jubilation, our African family then surrounded us and led us as their spiritual parents in a celebratory walk around the stadium, singing and dancing in order to thank God for bringing us together.

Immediately following that special moment, Ken and I performed our first official duty by welcoming the new cadets into our Army family.   Ken formally accepted them and charged the Training Principal with the responsibility of preparing them for ministry.  I had the honor of pinning their session banner to the Training College flag, and once again, the crowd roared. 

The Apostle Paul had it right when he wrote:

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family
 by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.  So we praise God for the glorious grace
 he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son.
Ephesians 1:5-6, NLT
 My heart is full of gratitude today for the family God chose for me.  It is a gift I will cherish.


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