Thursday, March 14, 2013

Just Enough Faith

Show me loving-kindness, O God, show me loving-kindness.
For my soul goes to You to be safe. And I will be safe in the shadow of Your wings until the trouble has passed. 
Psalm 57:1 (NLV)

As he held me in his arms and kissed me goodbye, Ken looked directly into my eyes and gave me the warning he gives every time he leaves the compound:  "Stay on the path."  I have to admit that the first few times he gave me that warning, I quickly dismissed his words from my mind.  But since learning recently that this area is known for its cobras and vipers, I've started to pay attention. 
Of course, I have my warnings for Ken too.  Whenever he attempts to fix anything electrical or climbs on a ladder, I run to his side with the words, "Be careful!"  Then I remind him how far away the nearest emergency facilities are.
We also received a series of warnings before the recent elections.  Frankly, there was a lot of fear in Kenya leading up to that process.  Schools and business closed, and residents stocked up on supplies.  Since I was designated by the American Embassy as the warden for this area, I tried to track down some of the other Americans living here.  I found that many had already left the country, and that most others were planning to leave.  It just wasn't considered a good time to be in Kenya.

Political demonstration in Kakamega

The Salvation Army's March for Peace in Kakamega

Election Day was declared a national holiday, which gave citizens an opportunity to make the safari back to their homes in order to vote.  For several days, the streets were strangely quiet . . . too quiet, really, as the community braced itself for a repeat of the violence that took place after the 2007 election.  Ken and I were glued to the TV, and I ran to my phone every time I received a text update from the Embassy. 
The results were finally announced last Saturday, and despite the fact that there will be an appeal by the losing side to the Supreme Court, there was no violence, and the streets of Kakamega have slowly returned to normal.  Still, since our newly elected President and Vice President are scheduled to go on trial in the International Criminal Court later this year, who knows what the future holds?
It's a simple fact of life.  There will always be fear.  I will always be afraid of snakes and large spiders.  I will always worry about my husband, and I will always be concerned about those whom I love and serve.

But if I make sure that my faith is always just slightly bigger than my fear, I will be just fine.  So I ask the Lord every day to give me the confidence that comes only from relying upon Him.  When I do, fear is gone.

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